Kitu Smooth Mocha Super Coffee 12/12 OZ [UNFI #50202]



Enhanced coffee. Naturally flavored with other natural flavors. 80 calories per bottle. 10 g protein. Gluten free. Keto. 0 g added sugars. 200 mg caffeine. Lactose free (99.9% lactose free). Positive energy. No artificial sweeteners. It all started in our little brother’s dorm room - When we reimagined coffee and replaced the negatives with positives - like protein, MCT oil, and no-sugar natural sweetener - Super Coffee was born. And with it came an eternal source of Positive Energy. When you reimagine your coffee experience - from Super Coffee to Super Creamer and everything in between - you’ll tap into that same source of super to sustain you all day long. Ready? Let’s go. Choose Positive Energy - Jordan, Jake, + Jimmy. MCT oil. 200 mg Caffeine: 2 Cups of coffee. Energize responsibly. Instagram. TikTok. Pinterest. Facebook. (at)DrinkSuperCoffee. Scan for more super.